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Monday 21 April 2014

Well done Prime Minister

Child of Hope welcomes the Prime Minister's initiative to host a major event in July that will tackle female genital mutilation (FGM) and early and forced marriage both domestically and internationally.

CoH staff do all they can to combat forced early marriage, as reported recently.

Thankfully, the horrible practice of FGM isn’t so much of a problem in Namatala – however our staff constantly keep an eye out for it. There is an area to the north/east of Namatala (around the popular tourist spot of Sipi Falls) which a particular tribe inhabits and continues FGM on young girls.

Bex had an interesting conversation with a couple from that tribe not so long ago: "The man laughed off the whole notion of FGM being a problem saying that it was something that the women all accepted and knew had to be done. I asked the woman about her thoughts and she really saw it as a ‘right of passage’ – and when I asked her about her daughters she confirmed that they would all be ‘circumcised’ – she had when she was a girl, so why shouldn’t they?"

The Government's announcement about its event states: "FGM violates the rights of girls and women both in this country and overseas.

"FGM is an extremely damaging and excruciating painful practice which has a devastating impact on women’s and girls’ physical and mental health and well-being and their opportunities in life. Many girls die as a result of the practice and women who have undergone FGM are significantly more likely to suffer serious complications in childbirth. UN figures estimate that 3 million girls a year in Africa alone are at risk of FGM and that 125 million women and girls have been cut. In some African countries 9 out of 10 girls are cut."