Former head teacher Olwen Green, from Anglesea in Wales, was with Child of Hope's slum-based school in Uganda again during March.
She said: ’'In August 2010 I started on a path to the unknown which brought me to Child of Hope in Namatala, Uganda as part the Welsh Assembly ILO programme. Now in 2014 I can not believe the change in attitude in the area surrounding Child of Hope Junior school – it is as if the school is generating a huge amount of HOPE which is seeping into the community.
"Back in 2010 there were 80 children in one room. Now there are 350 children in a new school which is set to get even bigger. I could list numerous changes but most importantly is the education and the security the children of Namatala receive.
"The staff are knowledgeable and enjoy working with the children; the sick bay and Health team is an essential part of the school; the kitchen serves delicious meals and the welfare team are doing tremendous work in the school and in the community. But without the great admin team and all the hard work put in to Income Generating Activities, none of this could be possible. It is a HUGE team effort.
"It has been heart warming to come back to my Ugandan home to catch up with old friends and make new ones.
"We have worked on differentiation, assessment, had an INSET day, looked at class organisation and set up regular meetings for the head teachers to ensure continuity between Nursery and Primary. I have set them a huge task, but with the support of the hard working and enthusiastic management team it is all possible.
"This has been another wonderful fulfilling experience and I could happily have stayed much longer. I wish Child of Hope all the very best in future- I will be back!” Olwen is pictured with children in front of one of the school's temporary classrooms while its third level is completed.