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Thursday 17 April 2014

Our slum school is amazing!

People ask Child of Hope why its Ugandan slum-based school is so… um… big. And why their sights are set so highly on quality education; it is in a slum, after all. Here are the reasons – and they’re proud of them.

1. Our school is high-quality – because that’s what the kids deserve. They are not second-class children, so they should not have a second-class school.

2. When children go to a high-quality school, they think about themselves differently … it inspires them and lifts their vision from the gutter to the sky. It also changes the mind-sets of the staff … giving them greater confidence and expectancy to aim high.

3. It’s a school that doesn’t have to be knocked down and re-built every five years, as with typical, cheaply-built schools. That’s a waste of time and money.