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Tuesday 8 August 2017

Getting Ruth back

Child abduction is not a nice issue to face, but when it crops up with any of the children at our school, our family support team kicks into action fast.

Just two weeks ago, young Ruth (8 years old) was illegally taken by her father to a village where he lived a few hours away. She had been living with her mum Betty since their separation but would often go out for a few hours with her dad – but on this occasion they didn’t come back. Ruth was being kept at her father’s home and was not able to continue her education. Betty reported this to the local police who were unable to take any action due to their very limited resources and the fact that the case crossed district boundaries.

So, our family support team liaised with three police stations to find a way forward and the police were then prepared to give Betty some support. With that in place, we advised her what to do and gave her enough money for transport to go the village and recover Ruth.

The whole process took eight days, but Ruth is now very happy to be back at school. The picture shows Ruth with her best friend Chebet and class teacher Akoth Phionah.