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Tuesday 1 August 2017

Child of Hope: UK kids helping slum kids

Children in the UK are usually very interested in learning about the lives of children in Uganda – and two Hampshire sisters were no exception. After hearing about the work of Child of Hope, Lily (9) and Heidi (6), from Oakley, decided to get personally involved by making and selling cookies!

They started by making and distributing mini flyers about their cookie sale to all their friends. They then baked cookies of many different flavours, including white chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, smarties, popping candy, and coconut and raisin cookies.

Andy, the girls’ dad, had collected pre-orders from his team at work, so the girls bagged up those cookies ready for him to take to work the following day. Mum Laura had invited over a group of friends for lunch and so the girls sold cookies to them too!

Lily and Heidi then set up a stall in their front garden. The flyers had worked well and lots of their friends came to buy cookies, as well as a few sweetie bags and toys that the girls had donated.

By this time, the girls’ desire to raise money had been well and truly ignited and so, in the evening, they bagged up the leftovers and went around with their mum knocking on neighbours’ doors asking if they’d like to buy cookies, and they all did! Finally, on the Sunday, the girls sold their last few cookies (and some freshly baked cakes) at church.

Read more, including the cookie recipe: childofhopeuganda.org/latest-news/could-your-children-help-slum-kids-summer/