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Tuesday 25 July 2017

Child of Hope: Sports and games help children with maths

Yes, it’s true! We have found that physical activities can be hugely beneficial in helping struggling children to grasp basic Maths concepts.

Supporting slower learners is always a challenge and there can be a range of factors that cause individual children to struggle with their learning.

And then a few months ago, we received a generous donation of sports and games equipment, including ropes, balls, scrabble, Ludo and dominoes. Our teachers have been putting these to good use, not only in playtimes but also to enhance learning.

Teacher Stella explained that skipping games can be used to help children with counting – as the children jump, the teacher can guide the children to count. Ludo is helping children with counting and problem-solving. Dominoes are used to help with number identification, problem-solving and addition. Now, children who are reluctant to engage in writing activities have made great progress through learning number skills through sports and games.
