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Tuesday 18 July 2017

Child of Hope: New slum child fostering service

Our initiative to arrange fostering for orphans and other vulnerable children was born when our respite accommodation became far too overcrowded and we realised it’s not suitable for all children. The new fostering programme not only relieves pressure but also offers a better environment for some of the children who couldn't live with their own immediate or extended families.

It’s been hard work! After a lot of time and energy, we have only recruited eight families, which has enabled 13 children to move out of the children’s home and into a family setting. Despite slow progress we are committed to seeing more of the children in our children’s home find suitable foster families because – along with the Ugandan Government – we believe this is the best way for these children to grow and flourish.

Anyway, we are continuing to work to encourage more members of the community to become foster parents and to raise money to pay families who are currently fostering to cover the extra costs involved in taking in an extra child. So far, being fostered has made a real difference to the children who have all responded well: they each have a brighter future now and are happier, showing improved health and motivation in studying at school.

Read more: www.childofhopeuganda.org/latest-news/new-child-fostering-service/