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Wednesday 26 August 2015

Where are all the skilled precision engineers?

[Photography and online PR for Groveley Precision Engineering]

Right now, Groveley is very keen to locate two new skilled precision engineers to join the team. Our recent £600,000 investment has meant we are faster and more efficient - and instead of a need of machinery being a potential bottleneck, now its a need for more staff.

We’re always on the lookout for skilled people with the right attitude. However, there appears to be a huge lack of engineers in Dorset and Hampshire (our staff catchment area) – and we think its down to a general lack of investment in apprentices over the last several years.

Within our staff of 25, we have five apprentices and will take on another one by autumn. But that isn’t the picture across the aerospace and defence industries in which we mainly work.

Filling the jobs of tomorrow is one of the greatest challenges facing the UK today. The right skills are the key to moving the industry forward.

Private and public employers, trade unions, the education sector and governments are waking up to the problem and are starting some initiatives, which we welcome.