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Monday 24 August 2015

Could you fundraise on the International Day of Charity?

[Online PR for slum charity Child of Hope]

Saturday September 5 is the United Nations’ International Day of Charity, which encourages charitable efforts worldwide to alleviate poverty. Poverty persists in all countries regardless of their economic, social and cultural situation, particularly in developing countries like Uganda, and the UN calls for countries to recognise and contribute towards the efforts of charitable organisations and individuals.

Well, everything Child of Hope does in Uganda is to alleviate poverty… so would you be interested in doing some fundraising on the day for slum families in Namatala?

There are lots of ways you can get involved with Child of Hope – fundraising is just one of them– and we have some resources that could help you.

And fundraising doesn’t need to be hard work or too time-consuming… it can be as simple as inviting friends round for cake and showing them our video – or doing something fun and e-mailing your family and friends to support you by donating on JustGiving.

You could aim to raise funds towards a particular project – like our new children’s home – or to help boost our work in social welfare, healthcare and starting mums in a business. Or just to buy some shoes, school books or dinners for our 410 pupils!

If you’d like to join in the fun, simply go ahead and plan your event. If you’d like any resources, call us on (01202) 697 201 or e-mail us. And let us know how you get on!