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Friday 26 June 2015

Headteacher Mike in England

[Online PR for slum charity Child of Hope]

The Primary Headteacher of Child of Hope, Mike Kutosi, recently visited St Mary Redcliffe Primary school in England for two weeks. 

Mike has been spending time in classes observing teachers and thinking about what ideas he could bring back to Child of Hope to help develop the teaching and learning. Lucy, St Mary’s deputy headteacher and Vickie, a year 4 teacher, are returning to Child of Hope in July so will be supporting Mike on implementing any new strategies.

Here’s what Mike said about his visit to England…

“While in classes at St Mary Redcliffe Primary I have seen a lot of children working in groups which helps them to share ideas and agree/disagree on ideas. Teaching in the classes enables children to think on their own and make notes – this supports them to be critical in their thinking. 

“Children in St Mary Redcliffe are very smart in their uniform. The behaviour of the children is good and everyone has made me very welcome.

“I have enjoyed different foods which are not in Uganda. I have found the time difference strange as in Uganda it is dark at 7pm while in England it gets dark around 10pm. I have also travelled to different parts like Bath, Weymouth, where I saw the sea for the first time, and to teachers’ homes.

“I would like to extend a huge thank you for the support they have given me.”