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Sunday 14 June 2015

Fighting ignorance, poor choices and desperation

[Social media for slum charity Child of Hope]

Our Welfare team prides itself on having good working relationships with the children and their families. They act as our ‘Social Services’ and are integral to our holistic programme. Children cannot make the most of the education we provide if they are having trouble and strife at home and our welfare team spend hours everyday visiting parents and guardians, giving advice, counselling and, unfortunately, sometimes having to involve the police.

For the majority of cases, our kids’ parents are co-operative and helpful. Just occasionally we have a family who, for whatever reason, can’t or won’t co-operate and the child’s future is put at risk because of this.

Recently this was the case for Sam (7 yrs) and Thomas (6 yrs). Despite several years of schooling with us, out of the blue their grandmother decided that she would return to her village home in Karamoja, taking the children with her... read more