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Thursday 15 June 2017

Store & Secure: Storage for artists

Local artists needing storage space for their paintings may find self-storage extremely useful, especially if their works are large. These are sensitive items and need to be lovingly cared for in order to keep them in their best condition for sale. Our self-storage rooms in Basingstoke and Bournemouth can be a great option - they are dry, private and protected with full security.

You have free access to our pallet trucks, plus we have a lift to all three of our floors. Room sizes vary to suit the number of paintings you wish to store, and you can easily upscale or downscale as your business fluctuates.

If you’d like to talk about art storage, please call and talk it through; we’ll help you find the storage room that is perfect for your paintings.

In the meantime, here are some tips about storing paintings:

• Protection needs to ensure proper ventilation – but avoid plastic; thick but breathable cloth is always preferable. If you intend to keep the pieces there for extended periods, it is recommended to take them out for airing on a regular basis.

• Adding hardboard/MDF packing to the back and front will not only provide tough protection, but will also help avoid warping of unframed canvas. But framed or not, don’t let hardboard/MDF come into contact with the surface of the painting, use spacers and/or cardboard corners.

• For unframed paintings, wrappings made of glassine paper (smooth, glossy paper that is air, water and grease resistant) make an ideal first layer of protection.

• Paintings should always be stored upright and off the floor to prevent any possible damage due to pressure.

Picture is Dorset artist Jan Dowding, www.jedart.co.uk