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Wednesday 8 March 2017

Groveley: Yes! Vocational and technical training is what Britain needs.

[Photography and online PR for Groveley Precision Engineering]

Groveley welcomes the Government's announcement of a vocational training shake-up that could be the most ambitious since A-levels.

As reported by the BBC this week, vocational and technical education in England is to get an extra £500m a year in a bid to train more skilled workers and boost the economy. 

The plans, to be set out in the Budget, also include replacing 13,000 existing qualifications with 15 “routes" linked to the needs of employers.

We applaud this as an extremely positive move. Young people need a real view of engineering so they are more able to make balanced and realistic career choices. We’re proud of Groveley’s own highly-effective apprenticeship scheme, which we’ve been running for years.