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Friday 27 January 2017

Child of Hope: The plans are taking shape: our new slum Family Support Uni

[Online PR for slum charity Child of Hope]

Architectural plans have just been produced for our proposed new joint slum Family Support Unit and vulnerable children's respite home.

We intend to build bespoke premises near to the school that will house offices and meeting rooms for our staff to expand their work with families, while the first floor will become the children’s respite and rehab home, replacing our currently rented children’s home. The budget cost for the land purchase and construction is £125,000.

These new facilities will accommodate more rooms for counselling, training and community meetings, which will enable our IGA, health and welfare teams – now working collaboratively as the Children’s Development Unit – to roll out many of their highly successful programmes to the rest of the community. Potentially this will impact many more families in the Namatala slum to improve their health, education and living standards in line with the UN sustainable development goals. And it will free up a lot of much-needed space currently used in our school.
Children's respite and rehab home

Even with the ongoing development of our foster care programme, there will still be a need for premises to give short-term respite and rehab services, to help children and families in emergency situations. We therefore want to reshape our children’s home so that our focus is much more on respite and rehab rather than on long-term accommodation.

You can read more information and if you'd like to help us with the project, you can donate... please click here.