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Tuesday 1 November 2016

Vaughan Gething visit

Great to host a VIP visit from the Welsh Assembly this week and to meet Vaughan Gething, cabinet secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport.

Vaughan came with Jon Townley, who’s the head of International Sustainable Development at the Welsh Assembly. Out in the slum they visited one of our IGA ladies who runs two businesses (a hair salon and a shop), the (very poor) home of a new baby class child, and then our children’s home to hear about our new respite/rehab programme and fostering programme.

After that they came to the school and saw the roof, which had been partly paid for with a donation from the Welsh Assembly… a nursery class and heard a nursery song from all the nursery kids… the health department and the IGA office (including crafts made by IGA mums)… and on to the vocational class to see their carpentry, sewing and jewellery items. They also visited a couple of primary lessons and then our assembly hall for songs and dances by the primary children.