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Tuesday 28 June 2016

School bands perform to help slum kids

[Photography and online PR for charity Child of Hope]

Jazz bands from Lytchett Minster and Canford schools – and the swing band from Sherborne School – performed at an amazing fundraising event on Saturday for charity Child of Hope.

Our Ugandan director Bex Okotel was formerly a student at Lytchett Minster school and a founder member of its jazz band in 1984.

The school bands came together to fundraise for the charity, and also to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Bex’s parents, Poole couple Les and Gill Sherlock. Les is a piano tuner and has tuned pianos at the schools for many years.

Together they raised over £3,300 for Child of Hope.

Les Sherlock said: ““We were thrilled with the whole event held in the wonderful new arts block in Lytchett Minster School. Thank you everyone who performed and all who supported and gave so generously in time and money toward our daughter’s cause.”

Bex, who is currently touring the UK to meet supporters, said: “It was a fabulous evening and we were all thoroughly impressed by the bands from Lytchett Minster, Sherborne and Canford - such incredible talent.

“It was a real treat for me to see how the music department at Lytchett has come on in leaps and bounds. They performed brilliantly and, of course, the glorious venue of the new arts block helped too!

“I’m so grateful for the continued support and generosity of our local community who, unswayed by economic uncertainty and gloom, resolutely choose to help the poorest and most vulnerable where I work in Uganda. Huge thanks to everyone involved and all those who came along.”

For more pictures, view this online album