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Tuesday 8 December 2015

Child rescue: our welfare team

[Online PR for slum charity Child of Hope]

In a slum where there is no social service or welfare system, Child of Hope’s welfare team does some amazing, ground-breaking work, and is a vital part of how we help slum children and their families.

The five people on the team share pretty much the same duties. Each morning they check the attendance registers; if a child is absent they then follow up that child with a visit – which may mean walking or getting a local motor cycle called a pike (pronounced 'picky'). This often results in the child being brought to school for medicines and treatment if unwell and then being taken home again.

Sometimes parents move house without informing the school, which also makes follow up difficult. And in the rainy season it is difficult to follow the children up because of the muddy unmade paths.

If a family is struggling, team members decide how to assist them so the circumstances don’t affect the child's health or well-being or cause him to miss school. This may mean providing a new roof, or helping with essentials when a family loses everything, perhaps through a house fire. Read more...