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Tuesday 20 October 2015

It’s time to give even greater support to vulnerable children and families

[Online PR for slum charity Child of Hope]

The extra free services that Child of Hope provides for its pupils and their families are unique and have a huge impact – these are our welfare, healthcare and Income Generating Activity teams. We have so many stories of restoring children from disease… rescuing them from abuse… actually saving their lives in some cases. Plus all the times we help families rise up from crippling poverty.

Now it’s time to give them even greater support, and to do that, we plan to bring the three teams closer together and work collaboratively, so that each staff member thinks holistically rather than focussing just on their own objectives. We want to set up a child development unit that will draw together the various strands of our child/family support structure and improve our service to them.

To do this, we will appoint an overall manager to think strategically and monitor/evaluate the teams’ achievements – and we will provide the technology so team members can see what’s going on with any particular child/family. This requires a new small building to give them their own combined space, where cross-team staff can talk to each other as they do their work, provide rooms for family meetings, child counselling, business start-up meetings, etc… plus a proper clean room with sink/sluice for the health team.

The unit will cost approximately £19,000 and we have started the process of raising funds. This is something that will help many of the poorest and most vulnerable children and families in the Namatala slum – if you would like to help us, please make a donation. Click here to make an online donation, or click here to pay by cheque or online banking. For more information on the unit, please click here.