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Friday 24 April 2015

It's a toilet thing...

[Social media for slum charity Child of Hope]

We thought you’d like to see pictures of how the new toilets are coming on!

They are much bigger than old toilet block and the builders are working hard despite the rain… and the usual sort of problems that occur in Africa – like an underground council water pipe where it shouldn’t have been.

The pipe forced us to change our design and build two small blocks rather than one long block. Our builders have been brilliant and very flexible, coming up with lots of possible ideas for us. It’ll all be great when it’s finished!

Then, once it’s finished, we will break down the old pit latrine to recover the bricks (because they’re only stuck together with mud) and roofing sheets. We'll use them to make a small building that will house our new generator. It will be secure to prevent theft and will also deaden the noise. More pictures...