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Monday 12 May 2014

Smart-ie pupils!

Pupils at Wyndham Park Infants School in Salisbury have raised a whopping £885.72 for UK charity Child of Hope – in Smartie tubes!

Each child in the school was given a tube of Smarties to take home (and munch)… and then invited to return the tube full of 20p coins… and the result was fantastic.

Teacher Becky Blake said the school has enjoyed a strong link with Child of Hope’s expanding slum school in Uganda since one of its teachers – Emily Stone – volunteered there for a few weeks in 2012.

The children became very involved during the trip – even skyping the school from there – and Emily ran a detailed blog.

Becky said: “It was a real eye-opener for the children. Since then we have carried on and they have such a compassion. They often come up with ideas for fundraising. When Bex and Moses visit our school it reinforces the close link we have.”

Now the school has appointed 30 buddies from among its pupils – some are in the picture with teachers Emma Stone (left) and Becky Blake – to help with the school link, and they meet once or twice every term to think up ideas to help the children of CoH in Uganda.