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Friday 14 March 2014

Healthcare partnership helps beat malaria in Ugandan slum

Since Child of Hope started providing free healthcare for its slum-based school pupils through its on-site sick bay, malaria-related absenteeism per child has been slashed from several days to around 90 minutes!

The UK-based charity is grateful for its Ugandan partnership with JOY Hospice in Mbale, run by a lady British doctor, known lovingly as Dr Jan.

The children CoH helps come from very difficult circumstances, and clearly living in a slum is not conducive for good health. Not only does JOY Hospice regularly step in and rescue many of its children, but its staff also support the school's small in-house sick bay. They supply free malaria rapid diagnostic test kits and treatment (co-artem) which helps CoH massively reduce the amount of time children miss from class. Without that help, some of their kids wouldn’t stand a chance. Read more: http://bit.ly/1qzHzQ5