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Wednesday 1 January 2014

Landmark start to 2014 for Child of Hope

200 slum kids now sponsored at Child of HopeShe might be a tiny five-year-old, but young Faith represents a great milestone for the start of the year… Child of Hope's 200th pupil has just been sponsored in its slum school in Uganda.

Itesot by tribe, Faith is the youngest of seven children and lives in the Namatala slum with her parents. At school, she is very talkative, cooperative and she loves playing games like skipping and bouncing a ball. In class she is good at English and basic science.

That means 65% of Child of Hope's 310 school kids are now sponsored. It works with the poorest and most vulnerable children in the slum, which is in itself one of the poorest places on earth... so the impact on their lives is huge. More will be joining the school in February.

If you'd like to sponsor a child, you can find all the information here. You would receive letters, photos, drawings and school reports from your child, and you can write back if you wish. It’s very rewarding and costs just £15 per month.