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Friday 31 July 2015

Corporate opportunities: start-up businesses for slum mums in Uganda

[Online PR for Child of Hope]

Child of Hope sets up mums of children at its school with business training, advice and a start-up grant – as part of its holistic approach to help lift families out of terrible poverty in the Namatala slum, eastern Uganda.

You can get involved into this life-changing, high social impact work by donating business grants (just £25 each) or by funding a post for a worker in our Income Generating Activities (IGA) team.

You can do this easily online, or if you would prefer an ongoing CSR relationship with Child of Hope, please e-mail our UK director Phil Dowding or call him on (01202) 697201. 

We have other CSR opportunities… if you are interested, please visit our corporate get involved page.

Photography by Alexander Rhind