Three teachers and a teaching assistant from the UK are currently helping at our school, and having some fast, positive impact!
Lucy, Vicky and Sabi from St Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, and Laura from Dauntseys Academy in Devizes are now halfway through their two weeks with our staff… here’s a report from Lucy.
“As last year we are having an amazing time and are really pleased with how well the teachers and the new head and deputy are embracing our ideas. They've also been a lot of fun and have been very open about areas they need help with which is great.
“We concentrated last week on implementing a new behaviour system based on rewards and positive discipline. It is all about children choosing to make the right choices or the wrong choices. We worked with the primary teachers on coming up with a reward system that includes positive language, house points and stickers and a positive discipline system that includes apologising, writing letters and missing playtime. Although early days we are already seeing it working well.
“This week we are concentrating on reinforcement of the behaviour system, demonstration lessons and training teachers in the afternoon in areas such as use of the teaching assistant and differentiation. I am also working with Mike and Faustine on the role of the head and deputy.
“As last year our parents and children donated stationery for us to bring out, as did Laura’s."
There are more pictures on our facebook page.