[Social media post for charity Child of Hope, building schools in Namatala slum in Uganda]
Meet Irene, our new extra welfare assistant.
With an ever-increasing age range and number of pupils, our welfare department needed another person to assist them.
After interviewing eight people for the job - some great candidates, by the way – we decided to recruit 43 year-old Irene (mother of six), who has been trained in various community health aspects and has experience in mobilising and sensitising communities about various issues. We feel that she’ll be an excellent addition to our young welfare team – bringing in a mature outlook and will engage well with our mothers.
The welfare team carries out regular home visits on all our children and offer their families free social care, numeracy/literacy training, family planning and health awareness that includes sanitation and hygiene, road safety and malaria control. As a result, mortality rates are being reduced, while sanitation and hygiene are dramatically improved! Click to read about welfare staff sponsorship.