In this new, short video, pupils from Child of Hope’s primary/nursery school in Uganda tell us what life is like in the Namatala slum during Covid-19.
On this site...
Wednesday, 30 December 2020
Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Overcoming disability for slum mum and her business
Namatala slum, Uganda: Jennifer – a single disabled mum who has been part of Child of Hope's income-generating scheme for over three years – is a resilient lady now able to sustain herself and her daughter with the help of her business. It has enabled her move to from a semi-permanent to a permanent house.
Monday, 23 November 2020
Kitchen move
At Child of Hope's slum primary school in Uganda, Rose transferred to kitchen work at the beginning of this year and is now one of four cooks at Child of Hope.
Her day can begin as early as 6am and continues until 5pm. Rose usually collects firewood from the store each morning and lights a fire over which the meals are prepared. She also helps fetch water from the well and washing kitchen utensils.
Monday, 9 November 2020
Groveley renews SC21 silver for eight years
Groveley’s SC21 Silver accreditation has been renewed for the eighth year running – with 100% delivery on time in full & 99.94% quality rating.
Supply Chains for the 21st Century (SC21) is an improvement programme designed to accelerate the competitiveness of the Aerospace and Defence industry by raising the performance of its supply chains.
The award recognises Groveley’s internal process excellence, quality and on-time delivery to all customers not just the aerospace and defence industries – all independently-ratified. Our current 100% delivery on time in full and quality rating offers a huge advantage for our customers.
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Child of Hope's solar-powered water
[NAMATALA SLUM, EASTERN UGANDA] Our nursery/primary school can now generate its own water, sufficient for all our needs, without depending on intermittent local water supply or manually drawing it from the well. Water is now drawn from the well by a solar powered pump, thanks to the two local engineers responsible for the project and a generous grant from a UK trust.
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Child of Hope's slum schools: Serious study resumes as lockdown relaxes a little
EASTERN UGANDA: In the Namatala and Namabasa slums, exam classes are resuming serious study for their respective exams at both the primary and secondary schools. The mood in both schools is positive as everyone is pleased to get back to teaching and learning.
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Child of Hope: Business advice… under the tree
Monday, 12 October 2020
Groveley Precision Engineering: AS9100 renewed for second year
Thursday, 8 October 2020
Child of Hope's partial return to school
NAMATALA SLUM, UGANDA: From October 15 the Ugandan Government is allowing pupils in candidate classes (Primary 7 and Secondary 4) to return to school. This is an emergency meeting our Primary headteacher held with her teachers to plan a safe learning environment for those children in Primary 7.
Monday, 28 September 2020
Keith's marathon
HAMPSHIRE & DORSET, UK: Running his first full marathon to raise funds for Child of Hope – Keith Francis is joining in the Virgin Money London Marathon this Sunday, October 4!
Thursday, 24 September 2020
New secondary head teacher
NAMABASA, UGANDA: Bernard Wandera was selected as head teacher for Child of Hope's all-new Gill Sherlock Secondary School (free for slum kids) because of the quality of his leadership skills.
He has a bachelor’s degree in secondary education, majoring in economics, and has teaching experience in various schools in and around Mbale. As well as good knowledge of the Ugandan education sector, his involvement in local politics gives him links to local government officials.
Bernard, who lives close to our primary school in Namatala, has also been Chair of our school management committee. He is committed to providing effective and efficient service delivery in the secondary school to ensure good achievement of pupils.
He has a bachelor’s degree in secondary education, majoring in economics, and has teaching experience in various schools in and around Mbale. As well as good knowledge of the Ugandan education sector, his involvement in local politics gives him links to local government officials.
Bernard, who lives close to our primary school in Namatala, has also been Chair of our school management committee. He is committed to providing effective and efficient service delivery in the secondary school to ensure good achievement of pupils.
Monday, 21 September 2020
Child of Hope: candidate classes reopening in October
NAMATALA SLUM, UGANDA: These girls from our Gill Sherlock Secondary School picked up their new green and orange uniforms from our tailors at the start of the year, but had only weeks to use them before schools were ordered to close in the general Coronavirus lockdown. Now they are keen to get back to their education.
As with all schools in Uganda, our two schools closed early in Covid-19 - now we’ve heard that just the two candidate classes (Primary 7 and Secondary 4) will be allowed to re-open on Oct 15. We have purchased temperature guns, we are fitting foot-operated wash stations, we’ve made face masks… and our staff are ready. We’re not sure yet when the rest of our classes can return.
Tuesday, 15 September 2020
Wave x2
JED Art, Dorset: Two of my wave paintings – first one acrylic, second one in oil, both big 36″ by 36” – gone to London and Bridport, both new owners very happy.
Monday, 7 September 2020
Keeping busy to feed the family

[NAMATALA SLUM, UGANDA] Mario, father to one of THE Child of Hope pupils, has been making chicken cages like the one pictured here, as well as mouse traps and metallic chains. By selling these he has been able to secure a small income to help support his family.
He recently secured a job as a night guard with Child of Hope, ensuring a monthly salary, and he continues making and selling wire products during the day to supplement his salary.
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Child of Hope: Water on (tip) tap
[NAMATALA SLUM, UGANDA] One of our secondary students demonstrates to members of the Namatala community how to use a tip tap water dispenser with soap for maximum benefit...
Monday, 24 August 2020
Reuben's fostering success
CHILD OF HOPE, NAMATALA SLUM, UGANDA: Reuben lost his parents in a fatal accident as a small child and has been looked after since then by his grandmother. However, she recently became very ill and unable to care for him any longer. Our welfare team recognized the need for foster care to be arranged – and didn’t need to look far...
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Alcohol risk for hungry slum children

CHILD OF HOPE, NAMATALA SLUM UGANDA: The effects of covid-19 lockdown continue to bite hard for hungry families. While parents are away from the home trying to look for food, hungry children can be seen wandering around drinking outlets looking for anything to fill their hungry stomachs. They beg for any dregs of alcohol, sometimes spirits.
With a lack of food in Namatala, there has been increased incidence of alcohol dependency in both children and adults. Thankfully this is one of the dangers Child of Hope helps to keep its pupils safe from.
Thursday, 6 August 2020
Child of Hope's approach to children’s health

NAMATALA SLUM, UGANDA: When she started her education at Child of Hope's slum school Rachael appeared healthy, but vigilance over routine health checks soon revealed she had sickle cell anaemia. The school nurse has continued to monitor and care for her.
Rachael is nine years old in the Primary 2 class, loves dancing and acting, and hopes to become a nurse in the future. Currently Rachel is without a sponsor; perhaps you would consider sponsoring her continuing education, or another child’s? Just £15 per month, click here for details:
Rachael is nine years old in the Primary 2 class, loves dancing and acting, and hopes to become a nurse in the future. Currently Rachel is without a sponsor; perhaps you would consider sponsoring her continuing education, or another child’s? Just £15 per month, click here for details:
Monday, 3 August 2020
Green peppers for early harvest
Monday, 20 July 2020
Bex live with Jonathan Veira
During the Covid lockdown, musician and opera singer Jonathan Veira has been holding live solo concerts live on Facebook every Sunday - and last Sunday he interviewed Child of Hope’s Bex Okotel by phone from Uganda.
See the whole event here:
Thursday, 16 July 2020
NGO sustainability through tree planting
Eastern Uganda: Child of Hope's new tree planting project is one of the ways the NGO is exploring in Uganda to help it become more self-sustainable – and at the same time providing work for about forty youths in the village.
Monday, 13 July 2020
JED Art: Peeping Highlander
ISLE OF PURBECK, UK: A highland cow that we found peeking over the long grasses, he looked so friendly and cuddly that I had to draw him. Pencil drawing on paper.
Wednesday, 8 July 2020
Child of Hope: the long walk
NAMATALA SLUM, EASTERN UGANDA: Peter is a seven-year-old pupil in the nursery department at Child of Hope School… and walks a round journey of four miles between his home in Namabasa and school.
Before the coronavirus shutdown, Peter was having to manage the long walk to school and back because his father’s bicycle was stolen, and he could no longer give Peter a ride to school.
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Solar energy for precision engineering
Groveley Precision Engineering, Dorset: In order to reduce Groveley’s carbon footprint – and as an investment in the future – the company has installed a solar power system with roof-top panels.
On day 1 the solar system contributed 60% of the electricity being consumed by Groveley's CNC machinery.
On day 1 the solar system contributed 60% of the electricity being consumed by Groveley's CNC machinery.
Friday, 26 June 2020
Covid lockdown hits agriculture project that feeds slum families
[NAMATALA SLUM, UGANDA] 80 of the mums Child of Hope helps with small business ventures have been prevented from working their agricultural project by the Covid-19 travel restrictions – badly affecting their family income. But all is not lost…
Thursday, 25 June 2020
Distant Hopes, by Dorset contemporary artist Jan Dowding
Wednesday, 10 June 2020
Covid-19 slum business initiative
Rose and Prosy work in the spiritual and health departments at Child of Hope, and Sarah is a community parent. They all live close to the school in Namatala. They are seen here separating rice from husks, known as winnowing, carefully positioning themselves so the wind helps to blow the husks away.
They sell the rice from their homes and also take some to the local market for quicker sales. It is measured out in cups, with the cupful price varying according to the quality. The income they receive will help them to sustain their families, providing some of their basic needs at this challenging time.
Monday, 8 June 2020
Covid-19 - jumping Karamajong-style
He said: “Why jump? Well, the main tribe in the school is the Karamajong, who are known for their jumping style of dancing (the higher the better!).
“It's actually pretty tiring. But I thought that if the pupils are going without food, the least I could do was 'jump like a Karamajong' in my break times to try and raise money to help them. So I'm going to jump for the whole length of every morning break for the whole of the second half term of summer.”
Saturday, 6 June 2020
Proud Lion, by artist Jan Dowding
Tuesday, 2 June 2020
ebay helps declutter during Covid - and helps slum kids in Uganda
BROADSTONE, DORSET, UK: Ebay helps charities like Child of Hope raise vital funds – by encouraging people to sell their unwanted items as they declutter their homes during the lockdown.
Read more:
Friday, 29 May 2020
Emergency appeal update: Covid-19
NAMATALA SLUM, EASTERN UGANDA: Child of Hope's Covid-19 emergency appeal to support slum families through the coronavirus crisis to date has attracted £54,344, which is helping many hundreds of slum families survive through a long period of total lockdown. The charity will continue to support them until the crisis and its after-effects are over. Read more:
Thursday, 14 May 2020
Amazing fundraiser, at age six
Child of Hope, Uganda: Running off into the distance is six year-old Ezra, who last week ran his first-ever 5K to raise funds for slum children and their families during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Ezra originally set his target at £100 but that was broken within days, thanks to generous friends and family. Now the total funds he raised has reached £2,000… well done Ezra!
And that has helped our emergency appeal overall total to reach £41,000, which is helping slum families in Namatala enormously.
Ezra originally set his target at £100 but that was broken within days, thanks to generous friends and family. Now the total funds he raised has reached £2,000… well done Ezra!
And that has helped our emergency appeal overall total to reach £41,000, which is helping slum families in Namatala enormously.
Monday, 11 May 2020
Cassava chips boost slum income
NAMATALA SLUM, EASTERN UGANDA: One of our primary school teaching assistants started a small business while stuck at home to sustain the small basic needs of her family – every morning she fries and sells a local snack of cassava chips.
Suzan says her temporary business is helping her buy soap, sugar, salt and food. More..
Thursday, 7 May 2020
Playing games in the slum to pass the time
NAMATALA SLUM, UGANDA: CHILD OF HOPE... A good thing about homes being very close together in the slum is that kids aren’t stopped from playing with their close neighbours during Uganda’s current lockdown.
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Child of Hope: Covid-19 video update
NAMATALA SLUM, EASTERN UGANDA: Here in Namatala, most of the active men (who normally work as casual labourers) cannot now earn money on a daily basis to feed their families. Most of the active women have small businesses. But right now, nobody can work and all of the women’s businesses are at a complete standstill. Our IGA mums are using up their hard-earned business capital and savings to keep themselves and their families alive. Hunger and starvation is a far greater danger to our mothers and their children than the virus at this point.
This short video (2.5 minutes) includes interviews from one of our primary pupils, a slum community leader and CoH staff.
If you'd like to donate to our emergency appeal to help slum families during this crisis, please click here.
Monday, 27 April 2020
Child of Hope: Ezra's run to save lives
Running further than he has ever run before, six year-old Ezra is raising funds for slum kids during the Covid-19 crisis.
Groveley 3D-printing face shield parts
Groveley Precision Engineering has joined firms large and small across the UK that are turning their skills to building PPE.
The Christchurch company is urgently 3D-printing plastic parts for PPE face shields that are being donated to NHS staff to help keep them protected against Covid-19.
Photo courtesy of Groveley
Friday, 24 April 2020
Tuesday, 7 April 2020
Child of Hope's big impact
Namatala slum, Uganda: Child of Hope has published its new Impact Report, which covers work, successes and impact during 2019. Read about achievements in the areas of education, business start-ups, fostering vulnerable children, community and health education, agricultural innovations and safe water.
Wednesday, 18 March 2020
Slum mum makes bricks by hand
CHILD OF HOPE, NAMATALA SLUM, UGANDA: Spare a thought this Mothering Sunday for young mums like Miriam, who is lifting her family out of terrible poverty by hand-making bricks in a Ugandan slum.
Read the whole story...
Monday, 16 March 2020
Child of Hope's water well transformed by solar-powered pump
NAMATALA SLUM, UGANDA: Fetching clean, safe water is now much easier for our primary school – because we have fitted our well with a solar-powered electric pump!
Over the last few years, our primary school installed a rainwater harvesting system and an underground well, thanks to help from our supporters in the UK. Both have helped our school drastically cut its safe water costs.
Tuesday, 10 March 2020
Child of Hope: Exam teacher training
NAMATALA SLUM, EASTERN UGANDA: Teachers receiving training on how to construct exam questions, which will save the cost of purchasing them.
Monday, 9 March 2020
Artist Jan Dowding: new work
Liquid Gold: I went for some different colours this time; thinking this would fit well with grey furniture or decor. When in sunlight or a well-lit room, the gold vein really pops out. Acrylic on box canvas 24×24″.
Thursday, 5 March 2020
Wednesday, 4 March 2020
Monday, 2 March 2020
Child of Hope: slum business success
NAMATALA SLUM, UGANDA: Since joining the charity’s Income Generating Activities (IGA) scheme in 2017, mum Harriet says her business enables her to be more debt-free than before, enabling her to take care of the her entire family while her husband is far away in South Sudan – and she even saves a small amount every week for the future. Read more
Child of Hope offers sponsorship of our Income Generating Activities scheme from £15/month, which helps pay for start-up grants and for our IGA staff that provide training and ongoing support to mums like Harriet. If you’d like to sponsor this highly-effective project – which helps lift families out of the worst excesses of poverty very quickly – please click here for details.
Monday, 24 February 2020
Jabel is happier at Child of Hope
Thursday, 20 February 2020
Best of buddies
CHILD OF HOPE, NAMATALA SLUM, UGANDA: Young slum kids Yazid and Silas are inseparable in school at playtimes. Both are in the top class of the nursery section and have been friends since the time they entered school. They sit separately in class to help them remain focused in lessons but like to seek each other out at any opportunity.
Yazid and Silas happily share any locally made snacks either is able to bring into school, otherwise they sit together, happy and smiling, as they enjoy the break time porridge the school provides. They are always sad to go their separate ways at 12.30 when school finishes.
These boys enjoy having sponsors in the UK; if you would like to consider sponsoring similar children through their education, please click here:
Monday, 10 February 2020
Child of Hope primary pupils are back to school
NAMATALA SLUM, EASTERN UGANDA: Pupils and teachers were reunited at the start of a new school year last week. The new term officially started in the whole of Uganda on February 3.
Friday, 7 February 2020
Child of Hope: Languages for life
NAMABASA, EASTERN UGANDA: These two ladies are our language teachers at our new secondary school. That’s Simon with them; he’s part of the excellent CoH communications team in Uganda which supplies us with news and videos.
Left is Miss Modesta, who teaches Kiswahili language, while on the right is Miss Rita, our English teacher. Both teachers live in Namatala slum, so they fully understand the needs of the students they will be working with and the struggle for a better life in the challenging slum.
Thursday, 6 February 2020
Salsa: new painting from Jan Dowding
JED Art, Dorset, UK: First painting of the year and I fancied a bit of colour! It’s in acrylic, nice and big at 36″ by 36″ called Salsa, because I thought it looks a bit hotter than some of my other paintings…
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