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This site contains a selection of the latest news produced by Phil Dowding PR on behalf of its clients. Editors... if you would like more information on any story or a high resolution image (or alternative images), please call Phil Dowding on (01202) 697201.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Christmas nativity play, Child of Hope style... the trailer

Here's the trailer to the 2018 more-than-slightly-crazy slum nativity play featuring Child of Hope kids and the odd goat or two...

Starting Dec 1, there will be an episode each day for 11 days... you can see them on Child of Hope's website as they're posted.

Monday 26 November 2018

Monday 12 November 2018

Child of Hope tipped to stay on top

After creating a bit of a stir last year after its success in the Ugandan Primary Leaving Exams, another cohort of Child of Hope School pupils have just sat their end of primary school exam...
